Sunday, October 19, 2008

October 14th

Marked four months... Of regret.

Heh, my name is Merle Keir. I'll be writing about my unfortunate life and death for you. You'll learn more about my everything, Azariel Drusilla, my father, my adopted brother, Solaris Kiran, the girl who could've been my future, Mimeko Toukai, and my unborn, dead child. Because there is no question that what we conceive will have a stopped heart, just like the rest of us. As Azariel documents her story, so shall I. To start, you may want to know more about what I look like.

Full Name: Merle Aro Keir
Sex: Male
Age: 20 years of life, about a 1/2 year of death
Weight: 115 lbs
Height: 5'11" ish...
Hair Color: Life~ Black Death~ Black streaked with red
Eye color: Medium Blue; after death my right eye was affected like the rest of my body and became a strange purplish-gray
Tattoo[s]: A small black star, like Azariel's, but on the hollow of my neck
Piercing[s]: Both sides of my lower lip, Right eyebrow, right side of my nose, various ear piercings
Identification of death: Purple, bruise-like marks all over my body
Obituary: "Why live when there's nothing left to live for? When she lost her life, he lost the very meaning of his."

Her Journal ~

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